A basic grid application can be created using the application wizard. Just select a table and create a grid. In this manual, we will focus on the salaries table of employees.

Although you can select the sort and search options while using the application wizard, you can also apply these features later. To do so, open the fields property of the grid.

Sortable columns

You can define a column to be sortable by setting the sortable property to 'true.' After generating the code, it will show a sort icon in the column:

Searchable columns

The grid has by default a search field. You can select columns to use the search field. If you have more' searchable' columns, the search field will search over all these columns.

If you do not want or need a search field you can remove it from the grid. 

Configuring the grids buttons.

To set the grid button options you can edit the 'show options' property:

It will open a dialog where you can enable/disable the different options

  • Show header: show the column titles 
  • Show footer: currently not in use
  • Show search: show the search field
  • Show refresh: show the refresh button
  • Show pagination: show the page function in the bottom of the grid.
  • Show toggle: allows to switch between a card layout or a grid layout (handy for mobile apps).
  • Show full screen: allows to 'blow the grid up' to full page.
  • ShowColumns: allows to select columns to be visible or not.

A sample of a grid without any of the options:

Bulkedit grid properties

If you need to set properties like editable, sortable for each and every field, then that is very time consuming and requires a lot of mouse clicks. Fortunatly there is a bulk edit option that you can choose from te toolbar:

It opens a dialog where you can easily maintain the several options:

If you set a checkbox then you can set all other checkboxes below by clicking the 'apply to following' button.