
There are several options that you can set. You find these in the preferences menu:

Usually this form does not need to be changed, but if required you can. If the install procedure failed, then you can use the 'set defaults' to restore the settings to original.

Browser settings

In this form you can pre-configure the browsers on your device. It allows you to run and test your applications under different browsers. 


This section defines the javascript and stylesheets for PHsPeed. They are depending on the bootstrap version (currently 4.x, 5 is under development). You usually don't need to change things here as it comes predefined on install, but you can add your own standard libraries here (be aware that the defaults will be overwritten by updates). If you mess up, then you most likely need to re-install PHsPeed

Note: With the introduction of PHsPeed version 3.1 the generator will gradually be changed so that it will only include libraries that are actually used. Libraries that are only applied to certain components (i.e. database grid) have moved into the component specification files.

IDE Behavior

These settings can be changed to your own preferences. 

API Keys

This tab can be used to store your api keys that you need for development.

Optimize generation of code

Use the optimize functions with care. The function is subject for change as PHsPeed integrates a new way of including libraries.