PHsPeed is a low-code tool, which means that you can create and generate applications with a minimum of code. To support this even more, PHsPeed contains an application wizard which you can use as a starting point for a whole range of applications. Create grids, cruds, with layout based upon your database tables.

PHsPeed makes it very easy to start creating applications based upon your database modal. Based upon your tables, you can develop cruds, grids, master-detail forms, and more without any coding. To start the wizard, click on the green puzzle icon that you find above the project manager.

Clicking on the icon will open up a dialog where you can select the required options.

There are five different types of applications that you can generate:

  • Form                         This is a standard crud form. 
  • Grid                          This is a table-formed data viewer.
  • Form with Grid.           This is a combination of a Grid with a crud form.
  • Grid with a popup form. This is a grid with icons that pops up a modal crud form.
  • Agenda                         This is a calendar with appointments. It falls out of the scope of this document.