The fastest way to create a grid application is by selecting ‘Grid’ and filling in the main form, and creating the module:

  • ModuleId                Enter a unique name that the module will identify
  • Connection                Enter the required connection (defaults to the project connection)
  • Primary table                Select the table from the list you want to generate your crud application upon
  • Tables                        Set checkbox to select all fields of the table (recommended)
  • Database                Use DBTable or DBQuery. (defaults to DBTable).

The procedure is similar to generating a form application. The outcome is now a grid:

The wizard allows you to configure the grid. Select the layout tab:

Sortable will generate a sortable column, you can set a default order, and searchable will mean that you can use the search box to search over the column. If you set searchable for every column, then the search box will apply for all columns: